Kinship Program Provides Backpacks to Children in Grandparents Care


Each year the Council on Aging (CoA), Gladwin County’s Kinship Program hosts an event for children who are being cared for by their grandparents. Due to COVID-19 concerns and regulations, this event that is usually held at a local bowling alley, has had to adjust.

Adjusting from a fun-filled day of bowling and pizza was a tough blow for the families that usually participated, but with the funding that would have gone into the event, Region VII staff purchased extra goodies to fill not only a backpack, but a draw-string bag and a box, full of snacks and treats perfect for going back to school. And that’s not all; this year, Amazon Fire tablets were also raffled off.

This September the CoA had seven students receive backpacks full of school supplies. The backpacks contained countless items from locker kits, water bottles, hats, gloves and calculators, to standard school supplies. Three of those seven won an Amazon Fire Tablet to help with schoolwork, or for fun.

 “It was a great pleasure meeting these students and seeing their giant grins when they came to pick up their colorful bundles and backpacks,” CoA Case Coordinator, Jenn Radcliffe said.

Any grandparent who has become a legal guardian of grandchild/children, and/or other family members, can sign up for the Council on Aging’s Kinship program, which receives funding from Region VII each year. Contact Jenn at 989-426-5450 ext. 107 for more information or to get signed up.


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