Schoonover & Yeager Presented Life Saving Awards

Linda Schoonover & Susan Yeager were presented Life Saving Awards by the Gladwin County Sheriff Department and 911 Central Dispatch for their life saving actions on July 19, 2021. Awards were presented at the Beaverton Manor congregate meal site (senior dining center), located at 110 W. Knox St., Beaverton, MI 48612, on Monday, January 24, 2022 at 12 p.m. by Mike Brubaker, Central 911 Director.

Linda’s Award Read: “On July 19, 2021, Linda was serving a meal when she noticed one of the congregate meal clients choking on his food. She called out to her kitchen assistant, Susan, to call 911 to get EMS. She immediately started doing the Heimlich maneuver on Mr. Wirt and after the fourth attempt the food dislodged. Several minutes later, EMS came and evaluated Mr. Wirt and told him how lucky he was that Mrs. Schoonover knew what to do, immediately saving his life.”

Susan’s Award Read: “On July 19, 2021, while serving the first congregate meal, after 17 months of being closed, Mr. Wirt, a Beaverton Congregate member, began choking on his food. Linda Schoonover began to give him the Heimlich maneuver. Susan immediately dialed 911. Ms. Yeager provided vital information to the 911 dispatcher for Emergency response and Mrs. Schoonover was able to dislodge the food. EMS reassured Mr. Wirt  that the training and quick action of these ladies saved his life.”

Linda Schoonover is the Council on Aging’s (CoA) Beaverton Manor Senior Dining Site Manager. Susan Yeager is the CoA’s Title V Kitchen Helper at the Beaverton Manor Senior Dining Center.



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